We report the discovery of eclipses and the first orbital period measurements for four cataclysmic variables, plus the first orbital period measurements for one known eclipsing and two magnetic systems. SDSS J093537.46+161950.8 exhibits 1-mag deep eclipses with a period of 92.245 min. SDSS J105754.25+275947.5 has short and deep eclipses and an orbital period of 90.44 min. Its light curve has no trace of a bright spot and its spectrum is dominated by the white dwarf component, suggesting a low mass accretion rate and a very low-mass and cool secondary star. CSS J132536+210037 shows 1-mag deep eclipses each separated by 89.821 min. SDSS J075653.11+085831.8 shows 2-mag deep eclipses on a period of 197.154 min. CSS J112634-100210 is an eclipsing dwarf nova identified in the Catalina Real Time Transit Survey, for which we measure a period of 111.523 min. SDSS J092122.84+203857.1 is a magnetic system with an orbital period of 84.240 min; its light curve is a textbook example of cyclotron beaming. A period of 158.72 min is found for the faint magnetic system SDSS J132411.57+032050.4, whose orbital light variations are reminiscent of AM Her. Improved orbital period measurements are also given for three known SDSS cataclysmic variables. We investigate the orbital period distribution and fraction of eclipsing systems within the SDSS sample and for all cataclysmic variables with a known orbital period, with the finding that the fraction of known CVs which are eclipsing is not strongly dependent on the orbital period.