We present the results of a study of the stellar population of the young open cluster Pismis 24 (RA~17:24:44, DE~-34:12). Observations were carried out through JHKs filters with SofI at NTT (ESO). Photometry in the IRAC (onboard satellite Spitzer) bands (3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0-micron) was performed on deep archive images. Optical photometry in the Cousins VI bands was performed on WFC2 (onboard the HST) archive images. High-resolution X-ray photometry with ACIS (onboard satellite Chandra) was taken from Wang et al. (2007). Source coordinates were obtained by matching SofI Ks sources to 2MASS K sources. Table 1 lists the sources retrieved in the SofI field (without VI photometry). Table 2 contains the subsample of sources from Table 1 falling in the smaller WFC2 field (including VI photometry).