he origin of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars and their possible connection with the chemical elements produced by the first stellar generation is still highly debated. In contrast to the Galactic halo, not many CEMP stars have been found in the dwarf spheroidal galaxies around the Milky Way. Here we present detailed abundances from ESO VLT/UVES high-resolution spectroscopy for ET0097, the first CEMP star found in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal, which is one of the best studied dwarf galaxies in the Local Group. This star has [Fe/H]=-2.03+/-0.10, [C/Fe]=0.51+/-0.10 and [N/Fe]=1.18+/-0.20, which is the first nitrogen measurement in this galaxy. The traditional definition of CEMP stars is [C/Fe]>=0.70, but taking into account that this luminous red giant branch star has undergone mixing, it was intrinsically less nitrogen enhanced and more carbon-rich when it was formed, and so it falls under the definition of CEMP stars, as proposed by Aoki et al. (2007ApJ...655..492A, Cat. J/ApJ/655/492) to account for this effect.