V4332 Sgr is a red transient (red nova) whose eruption was observed in 1994. The remnant of the eruption shows a unique optical spectrum: strong emission lines of atomes and molecules superimposed on a M-type stellar spectrum. The stellar-like remnant is presumably embedded in a disc-like dusty envelope orientated almost face-on. The observed optical spectrum is supposed to result from interactions of the central-star radiation with dust and gas in the disc and outflows initiated in 1994. We have reduced and measured a high-resolution (R~40000) spectrum of V4332 Sgr obtained with VLT/UVES in April/May 2005. The spectrum comes from the ESO archives and is the best quality spectrum of the object ever obtained. We have identified and measured over 200 emission features belonging to 11 elements and 6 molecules. The continuous, stellar-like component can be classified as ~M3. The radial velocity of the object, as derived from narrow atomic emission line, is -75km/s. The interstellar reddening was estimated as being 0.35<E(B-V)<0.75. From radial velocities of interstellar absorption features in the NaI D lines we have estimated a lower limit of ~5.5 kpc to the distance of V4332 Sgr. When compared to spectroscopic observations done in 2009, the spectrum of V4332 Sgr considerably evolved between 2005 and 2009. The object significantly faded in the optical (by ~2mag in the V band), which resulted from the main remnant cooled by 300-350K corresponding to its spectral type changed from M3 to M5-6. The object however increased in luminosity by ~50%, implying a significant expansion of its dimensions. Most of the emission features seen in 2005 significantly faded or even disappeared from the spectrum of V4332 Sgr in 2009.