Adaptive optics images are used to test the hypothesis that the explosive BN/KL outflow from the Orion OMC1 cloud core was powered by the dynamical decay of a non-hierarchical system of massive stars. Narrow-band H_2_, [FeII], and broad-band Ks obtained with the Gemini South multi-conjugate adaptive optics (AO) system GeMS and near-infrared imager GSAOI are presented. The images reach resolutions of 0.08 to 0.10" to the 0.07" diffraction limit of the 8-meter telescope at 2.12um. Comparison with previous AO-assisted observations of sub-fields and other ground-based observations enable measurements of proper motions and the investigation of morphological changes in H_2_ and [FeII] features with unprecedented precision. The images are compared with numerical simulations of compact, high-density clumps moving ~10^3^ times their own diameter through a lower density medium at Mach 10^3^.