The objective of this work is to study in detail the temperatures of dust and gas in the photon-dominated region S140, especially around the deeply embedded infrared sources IRS1-3 and at the ionization front. We derive the dust temperature and column density by combining Herschel PACS continuum observations with SOFIA observations at 37um and SCUBA data at 450um. We model these observations using simple greybody fits and the DUSTY radiative transfer code. For the gas analysis we use RADEX to model the CO 1-0, CO 2-1, ^13^CO 1-0 and C^18^O 1-0 emission lines mapped with the IRAM-30m telescope over a 4' field. Around IRS 1-3, we use HIFI observations of single-points and cuts in CO 9-8, ^13^CO 10-9 and C^18^O 9-8 to constrain the amount of warm gas