The Kleinmann-Low nebula in Orion (Orion-KL) is the nearest example of a high-mass star-forming environment. For the first time, we complemented 1.3mm Submillimeter Array (SMA) interferometric line survey with IRAM 30m single-dish observations of the Orion-KL region. Covering a 4GHz bandwidth in total, this survey contains over 160 emission lines from 20 species (25 isotopologues), including 10 complex organic molecules (COMs). At a spatial resolution of 1200AU, the continuum substructures are resolved. Extracting the spectra from individual substructures and providing the intensity-integrated distribution map for each species, we studied the small-scale chemical variations in this region. Our main results are: (1) We identify lines from the low-abundance COMs CH3COCH3 and CH3CH2OH, as well as tentatively detect CH3CHO and long carbon-chains C6H and HC7N. (2) We find that while most COMs are segregated by type, peaking either towards the hot core (e.g., N-bearing species) or the compact ridge (e.g., O-bearing species like HCOOCH3, CH3OCH3, the distributions of others do not follow this segregated structure (e.g., CH3CH2OH, CH3OH, CH3COCH3). (3) We find a second velocity component of HNCO, 34SO2, and SO lines, which may be associated with a strong shock event in the low-velocity outflow. (4) Temperatures and molecular abundances show large gradients between central condensations and the outflow regions, illustrating a transition between hot molecular core and shock-chemistry dominated regimes. Our observations of spatially resolved chemical variations in Orion-KL provide the nearest reference source for hot molecular core and outflow chemistry, which will be an important example for interpreting the chemistry of more distant HMSFRs.