We report on new APEX observations of the ground state 1_0,1_-0_0,0_ HDO transition at 464.92452GHz toward the prestellar core L1544. The line is undetected and we present an extensive study on the conditions for its detectability in cold and dense cloud cores. The water and deuterated water abundances have been estimated using an advanced chemical model simplified for the limited number of reactions or processes that are active in cold regions (<15K). We use the LIME radiative transfer code to compute the expected intensity and profile of both H_2_O and HDO lines and compare them with the observations. We present several ad hoc profiles that best-fit the observations and compare the profiles with results from an astrochemical modeling, coupling gas phase and grain surface chemistry. Our comparison between observations, radiative transfer and chemical modeling shows the limits of detectability for singly deuterated water with single-dish telescopes as well as interferometric observations.