Known TeV sources detected by major,Cerenkov telescopes are investigated to identify possible MeV-GeV {gamma}-ray counterparts. A systematic study of the known sources in the web-based TeVCat catalog has been performed to search for possible {gamma}-ray counterparts on the AGILE data collected during the first period of operations in observing pointing mode. For each TeV source, a search for a possible {gamma}-ray counterpart that is based on a multi-source maximum likelihood algorithm is performed on the AGILE data taken with the GRID instrument from July 2007 to October 2009. In the case of high-significance detection, the average {gamma}-ray flux is estimated. For cases of low-significance detection the 95% confidence level (CL) flux upper limit is given. 52TeV sources out of 152 (corresponding to ~34% of the analysed sample) show a significant excess in the AGILE data covering the pointing observation period. This analysis found 26 new AGILE sources with respect to the AGILE reference catalogs, 15 of which are galactic, 7 are extragalactic and 4 are unidentified. Detailed tables with all available information on the analysed sources are presented.