As a part of the Milky Way Imaging Scroll Painting (MWISP) survey, the aim is to study the physical properties of molecular clouds and their associated star formation toward the Galactic plane within 216.25{deg}<=l<=218.75{deg} and -0.75{deg}<=b<=1.25{deg}, which covers the molecular cloud complex S287. Using the 3x3 Superconducting Spectroscopic Array Receiver (SSAR) at the PMO-13.7m telescope, we performed a simultaneous ^12^CO (1-0), ^13^CO (1-0), C^18^O (1-0) mapping toward molecular clouds in a region encompassing 3.75 square degrees. The beam size is 52" for ^12^CO (1-0) and 55" for ^13^CO (1-0) and C^18^O (1-0).