Diffuse interstellar absorption bands (DIBs) of largely unknown chemical origin are regularly observed primarily in distant early-type stars. More recently, detections in nearby late-type stars have also been claimed. These stars' spectra are dominated by stellar absorption lines. Specifically, strong interstellar atomic and DIB absorption has been reported in tau Boo. We test these claims by studying the strength of interstellar absorption in high-resolution TIGRE spectra of the nearby stars tau Boo, HD 33608, and alpha CrB. We focus our analysis on a strong DIB located at 5780.61{AA} and on the absorption of interstellar Na. First, we carry out a differential analysis by comparing the spectra of the highly similar F-stars, tau Boo and HD 33608, whose light, however, samples different lines of sight. To obtain absolute values for the DIB absorption, we compare the observed spectra of tau Boo, HD 33608, and alpha CrB to PHOENIX models and carry out basic spectral modeling based on Voigt line profiles.