The Odin satellite is now into its sixteenth year of operation, much surpassing its design life of two years. One of the sources which Odin has observed in great detail is the Sgr A Complex in the centre of the Milky Way. The aim is to study the presence of NH_3_ in the Galactic Centre and spiral arms. Recently, Odin has made complementary observations of the 572GHz NH_3_ line towards the Sgr A +50km/s cloud and Circumnuclear Disk (CND). Significant NH_3_ emission has been observed in both the +50km/s cloud and the CND. Clear NH_3_ absorption has also been detected in many of the spiral arm features along the line of sight from the Sun to the core of our Galaxy. The very large velocity width (80km/s) of the NH_3_ emission associated with the shock region in the southwestern part of the CND may suggest a formation/desorption scenario similar to that of gas-phase H_2_O in shocks/outflows.