We present emission line measurements and the main physical properties of a sample of 164 star-forming dwarf galaxies (SFDGs) in the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS, Le Fevre et al., 2015A&A...576A..79L). VUDS is one of the largest programs on the ESO-VLT with 640 hours of observing time, and covers a total of one square degree in three separate fields: COSMOS, ECDFS, and VVDS-02h. The spectroscopic observations were carried out at the VLT with the VIMOS Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOS) with two grisms (LRBLUE and LRRED) covering a wavelength range of 365<lambda<935nm at uniform spectral resolution of R=180 and R=210, respectively. The integration time (on-source) is ~14-hours per target for each grism, which allows to detect the continuum at 850nm for i_AB_=25, and emission lines with an observed flux limit F=1.5*10^-18^erg/s/cm2 at S/N~5. Redshift measurements in VUDS were performed using the EZ code (Garilli et al., 2010PASP..122..827G), both in automatic and manual modes (by two persons independently) for each spectrum. The overall redshift accuracy is dz/(1+z)=0.0005-0.0007. The spectra had already been fully calibrated in wavelength and flux by the VUDS team, which also did the sky subtraction. Emission lines fluxes and equivalent widths are measured manually on a one-by- one basis using the task 'splot' of IRAF by direct integration of the line profile after linear subtraction of the continuum. These fluxes are given in units of 10^-18^erg/s/cm^2^. The uncertainties in the line measurements were computed from the dispersion of values provided by multiple measurements adopting different possible band-passes (free of lines and strong residuals from sky subtraction) for the local continuum determination, which is fitted using a second order polynomial. No extinction correction has been applied to these fluxes. The EW measurements of H{gamma}, H{beta} and H{alpha} lines have been already corrected for absorption by +0.1nm for all galaxies, following Ly et al. (2014ApJ...780..122L). For each galaxy the reddening constant, c(H{beta}), is presented. These values and their uncertainties have been derived from the H{alpha}/H{beta} or H{gamma}/H{beta} ratios, whenever possible. We adopted the reddening constant from the best-fit SED, using the relations of Calzetti et al. (2000ApJ...533..682C), for (a) galaxies where the computation of c(H{beta}) from emission lines is not possible because the lines are not present, or (b) the line ratios give a negative extinction correction (i.e., H{alpha}/H{beta}<2.82 or H{gamma}/H{beta}<0.47, assuming Case B recombination with Te=2*10^4^K, ne=100cm^-3^).