Quasars are spatially stationary, and they are essential objects in astrometry when defining reference frames. However, the census of quasars is far from complete. Mid-infared colors can be used to find quasar candidates because AGNs show a peculiar appearance in mid-infrared color, but these methods are incapable of separating quasars from AGNs.The aim of our study is to use astrometric and mid-infrared methods to select quasars and get a reliable quasar candidates catalog. We used a near-zero proper motion criterion in conjuction with WISE (all-sky Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) [W1-W2] color to select quasar candidates. The [W1-W2] color criterion is defined by the linear boundary of two samples: LAMOST DR5 quasars, which serve as the quasar sample, and LAMOST DR5 stars/galaxies, which serve as the non-quasar sample. The contamination and completeness are evaluated. We present a catalog of 662753 quasar candidates, with a completeness of about 75% and a reliability of 77.2%.