The purpose of this work is to provide corrections for the lithium abundance, A(Li), and the ^6^Li/^7^Li ratio that can easily be applied to correct 1D LTE lithium abundances in G and F dwarf stars of approximately solar mass and metallicity for three-dimensional (3D) and non-LTE (NLTE) effects. The corrections for A(Li) and ^6^Li/^7^Li are computed using grids of 3D NLTE and 1D LTE synthetic lithium line profiles, generated from 3D hydro-dynamical CO5BOLD and 1D hydrostatic LHD model atmospheres, respectively. For comparative purposes, all calculations are performed for three different line lists representing the LiI 670.8nm spectral region. The 3D NLTE corrections are then approximated by analytical expressions as a function of the stellar parameters (Teff, logg, [Fe/H], vsini, A(Li), ^6^Li/^7^Li). The derived 3D NLTE corrections range between -0.01 and +0.11dex for A(Li), and between -4.9 and -0.4% for the ^6^Li/^7^Li ratio, depending on the adopted stellar parameters. Our findings show a general consistency with recent works on lithium abundance corrections. In the case of the ^6^Li/^7^Li ratio, our corrections are always negative, showing that 1D LTE analysis can significantly overestimate the presence of ^6^Li (up to 4.9 percentage points) in the atmospheres of solar-like dwarf stars. These results emphasize the importance of reliable 3D model atmospheres combined with NLTE line formation for deriving precise isotopic lithium abundances. Although 3D NLTE spectral synthesis implies an extensive computational effort, the results can be made accessible with parametric tools like the ones presented in this work.