Flares from the Sun and other stars are most prominently observed in the soft X-ray band. Most of the radiated energy, however, is released at optical/UV wavelengths. In spite of decades of investigation, the physics of flares is not fully understood. Even less is known about the powerful flares routinely observed from pre-main sequence stars, which might significantly influence the evolution of circumstellar disks. Observations of the NGC2264 star forming region were obtained in Dec. 2011, simultaneously with three telescopes, Chandra (X-rays), CoRoT (optical), and Spitzer (mIR), as part of the "Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC2264" (CSI-NGC2264). Shorter Chandra and CoRoT observations were also obtained in March 2008. We analyzed the lightcurves to detect X-ray flares with an optical and/or mIR counterpart. Basic flare properties from the three datasets, such as emitted energies and peak luminosities, were then compared to constrain the spectral energy distribution of the flaring emission and the physical conditions of the emitting regions. Flares from stars with and without circumstellar disks were also compared to establish any difference that might be attributed to the presence of disks. Seventy-eight X-ray flares with an optical and/or mIR counterpart were detected. Their optical emission is found to correlate well with, and to be significantly larger than, the X-ray emission. The slopes of the correlations suggest that the difference becomes smaller for the most powerful flares. The mIR flare emission seems to be strongly affected by the presence of a circumstellar disk: flares from stars with disks have a stronger mIR emission with respect to stars without disks. This might be attributed to the reprocessing of the optical (and X-ray) flare emission by the inner circumstellar disk, providing evidence for flare-induced disk heating.