We report on the confirmation of a transiting giant planet around the relatively hot (Teff=6801+/-56K) star HD 2685, whose transit signal was detected in Sector 1 data of NASA's TESS mission. We confirmed the planetary nature of the transit signal using Doppler velocimetric measurements with CHIRON, CORALIE, and FEROS, as well as using photometric data obtained with the Chilean-Hungarian Automated Telescope and the Las Cumbres Observatory. From the joint analysis of photometry and radial velocities, we derived the following parameters for HD 2685b: P=4.12688^+0.00005^_-0.00004_-days, e=0.091^+0.039^_-0.047_, M_P_=1.17+/-0.12M_J_, and R_P_=1.44+/-0.05R_J_. This system is a typical example of an inflated transiting hot Jupiter in a low-eccentricity orbit. Based on the apparent visual magnitude (V=9.6mag) of the host star, this is one of the brightest known stars hosting a transiting hot Jupiter, and it is a good example of the upcoming systems that will be detected by TESS during the two-year primary mission. This is also an excellent target for future ground- and space-based atmospheric characterization as well as a good candidate for measuring the projected spin-orbit misalignment angle through the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect.