The electron capture in collisions of highly charged O6^+^ ions with ground state hydrogen atom is a very important process in the solar wind X-ray studies. In the present study, the full quantum-mechanical molecular-orbital close-coupling (QMOCC) method is employed to study electron capture reactions in collisions of O6+ion with the ground state atomic hydrogen in the energy region from 10^-4^keV/u to 5keV/u. The ab initio multi-reference single and double excitation configuration interaction (MRD-CI) method is used to calculate the potential and coupling data used in the QMOCC calculations. Total and state-selective cross sections for the dominant and subdominant reaction channels are calculated and compared with the available experimental and theoretical data. The branching ratios for Lithium-like O^5+^ excited ions are used to calculate the contribution of cascade radiative transitions from n=5 levels to the population of 4l states. From the calculated cross sections, reaction rate coefficients are obtained for temperatures between 1000 and 1x10^9^K and compared with other calculations.