We used Band 7 ALMA observations in full polarisation mode to analyse the polarised dust emission of the massive star forming region G9.62+0.19. We estimated the magnetic field strength via the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi and structure function methods. We resolve several protostellar cores embedded in a bright and dusty filamentary structure. The magnetic field is orientated along the filament and appears perpendicular to the direction of the outflows. The polarisation vectors present ordered patterns and the cores showing polarised emission are less fragmented. We suggest an evolutionary sequence of the magnetic field, and the less evolved hot core exhibits a stronger magnetic field than the more evolved hot core. An average magnetic field strength of the order of 11mG was derived, from which we obtain a low turbulent-to-magnetic energy ratio, indicating that turbulence does not significantly contribute to the stability of the clump. We report a detection of linear polarisation from thermal line emission, probably from methanol or carbon dioxide, and we tentatively compared linear polarisation vectors from our observations with previous linearly polarised OH masers observations.