We present the first all-sky catalogue of galaxy clusters and cluster candidates obtained from joint X-ray-SZ detections using observations from the Planck satellite and the ROSAT all-sky survey (RASS). The catalogue contains 2323 objects and has been validated by careful cross-identification with previously known clusters. This validation shows that 1597 candidates correspond to already known clusters, 212 coincide with other cluster candidates still to be confirmed, and the remaining 514 are completely new detections. With respect to Planck catalogues, the ComPRASS catalogue is simultaneously more pure and more complete. Based on the validation results in the SPT and SDSS footprints, the expected purity of the catalogue is at least 84.5%, meaning that more than 365 clusters are expected to be found among the new or still-to-be-confirmed candidates with future validation efforts or specific follow-ups.