The latest SDSS/APOGEE data release DR14 has provided an increased number of stellar spectra in the H band and associated stellar models using an innovative algorithm known as The Cannon. We took advantage of these novelties to extract the 15273{AA} near-infrared DIB and to study its link with dust extinction and emission. We modified our automated fitting methods dedicated for hot stars and used in earlier studies with some adaptations motivated by the change from early- or intermediate-type stars to red giants. A new method has also been developed to quantify the upper limits on DIB strengths. Careful and thorough examinations of the DIB parameters, the continuum shape and the quality of the adjustment of the model to the data were done. We compared our DIB measurements with the stellar extinctions Av from the Starhorse database. We then compared the resulting DIB-extinction ratio with the dust optical depth derived from Planck data, globally and also separately for nearby off-Plane cloud complexes. Our analysis has led to the production of a catalog containing 124 064 new measurements of the 15273{AA} DIB, allowing us to revisit the correlation between DIB strength and dust reddening.