We aim to determine the geometry, density gradient, and velocity structure of jets in post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) binaries. Our high cadence time series of high-resolution optical spectra of jet-creating post-AGB binary systems provide us with a unique tomography of the jet. We determine the spatio-kinematic structure of the jets based on these data by fitting the synthetic spectral line profiles created by our model to the observed, orbital phase-resolved, H{alpha}-line profiles of these systems. The fitting routine is provided with an initial spectrum and is allowed to test three configurations, derived from three specific jet launching models: a stellar jet launched by the star, an X-wind, and a disk wind configuration. We apply a Markov-chain Monte Carlo routine in order to fit our model to the observations. Our fitting code is tested on the post-AGB binary IRAS19135+3937. We find that a model using the stellar jet configuration gives a marginally better fit to our observations. The jet has a wide half-opening angle of about 76 degrees and reaches velocities up to 870km/s. Our methodology is successful in determining some parameters for jets in post-AGB binaries. The model for IRAS19135+3937 includes a transparent, low density inner region (for a half-opening angle <40{deg}). The source feeding the accretion disk around the companion is most likely the circumbinary disk. We will apply this jet fitting routine to other jet-creating post-AGB stars in order to provide a more complete description of these objects. We aim at describing and understanding binary interaction processes in systems with very evolved companions. Here, we focus on understanding the origin and determining the properties of the high-velocity outflow observed in one such system.