From the Continuum HAloes in Nearby Galaxies - an EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES) radio continuum data from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), observed in two frequency bands, 6GHz (C-band) and 1.5GHz (L-band), we present the radio maps, including polarization of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 4013. Supplemantary X-ray data are also presented here. The central point source of NGC 4013 dominates the radio continuum emission in both CHANG-ES bands. Complementary X-ray data from Chandra show one dominant point source in the central part. The XMM-Newton spectrum shows hard X-rays, but no clear AGN classification is possible at this time. The radio continuum halo of NGC 4013 in C-band is rather small, while the low-frequency LOFAR data reveal a large halo. The scale height analysis shows that Gaussian fits better represent the intensity profiles than do exponential fits. The frequency dependence gives clear preference to diffusive CRE transport. The radio halo of NGC 4013 is relatively faint. Diffusion is the dominating transport process up to heights of 1-2kpc. The polarization data reveal plane-parallel, regular magnetic fields within the entire disk and vertical halo components indicating the presence of an axisymmetric field having a radial component pointing outwards. The mean magnetic field strength of the disk of NGC 4013 of 6.6{mu}G is rather small. Large-scale vertical fields are observed in the halo out to heights of about 6kpc. The interaction and the low star formation rate (SFR) across the disk of NGC 4013 probably influence the appearance of its radio continuum halo and are correlated with the low total magnetic field strength. Several observable quantities give consistent evidence that the CR transport in the halo of NGC 4013 is diffusive: the frequency dependence of the synchrotron scale height, the disk/halo flux density ratio, the vertical profile of the synchrotron spectral index, the small propagation speed measured modeled with spinnaker, and the low temperature of the X-ray emitting hot gas.