Extended main-sequence turn-offs (eMSTO) are a commonly observed property of young clusters. A global theoretical interpretation for the eMSTOs is still lacking, but stellar rotation is considered a necessary ingredient to explain the eMSTO. We aim to assess the importance of core-boundary and envelope mixing in stellar interiors for the interpretation of eMSTOs in terms of one coeval population. We construct isochrone-clouds based on interior mixing profiles of stars with a convective core calibrated from asteroseismology of isolated galactic field stars. We fit these isochrone-clouds to the measured eMSTO to estimate the age and core mass of the stars in the two young clusters NGC 1850 and NGC 884, assuming one coeval population and fixing the metallicity to the one measured from spectroscopy. We assess the correlations between the interior mixing properties of the cluster members and their rotational and pulsational properties. We find that stellar models based on asteroseismically-calibrated interior mixing profiles lead to enhanced core masses of eMSTO stars and can explain a good fraction of the observed eMSTOs of the two considered clusters in terms of one coeval population of stars, with similar ages to those in the literature, given the large uncertainties. The rotational and pulsational properties of the stars in NGC 884 are not sufficiently well known to perform asteroseismic modelling, as it is achieved for field stars from space photometry. The stars in NGC 884 for which we have vsini and a few pulsation frequencies show no correlation between these properties and the core masses of the stars that set the cluster age. Future cluster space asteroseismology may allow to interpret the values of the core masses in terms of the physical processes that cause them, based on the modelling of the interior mixing profiles for the individual member stars with suitable identified modes.