The objective of this work is to study in detail the nature (i.e., geometry, rates) of the mass-loss episodes associated with the yellow hypergiant IRAS 17163-3907. We analysed a large set of optical/near-infrared data, in spectroscopic, photometric, spectropolarimetric, and interferometric modes. We use the optical observations to determine its spectral type and we present the first model independent reconstructed images of IRAS 17163-3907 at 2 micron tracing milli-arcsecond scales. Lastly, we apply a 2D radiative transfer model to fit the dereddened photometry and the radial profiles of published diffraction limited VISIR images at 8.59um, 11.85um and 12.81um simultaneously, adopting a revised distance determination using the new Gaia measurements (DR2).