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Heliocentric minima for 14 eclipsing binaries

Short name: J/A+A/643/A130
IVOA Identifier: ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/643/A130
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.26093/cds/vizier.36430130
Publisher: CDS[+][Pub. ID]
More Info: https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/643/A130
VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Status: active
Registered: 2020 Nov 13 10:16:50Z


The available minima timings of 14 selected eclipsing binaries (V1297 Cas, HD 24105, KU Aur, GU CMa, GH Mon, AZ Vel, DI Lyn, DK Her, GQ Dra, V624 Her, V1134 Her, KIC 6187893, V1928 Aql, V2486 Cyg) were collected and analyzed. Using the automatic telescopes, surveys, and satellite data, we derived more than 2500 times of eclipses, accompanied with our own ground-based observations. These data were used to detect the period variations in these multiple systems. The eclipse timing variations were described using the third-body hypothesis and the light-time effect. Their respective periods were derived as 2.5, 16.2, 27, 20, 64, 5.6, 22, 115, 27, 42, 6.9, 11.2, 4.1, and 8.4 years for these systems, respectively. The predicted minimal mass of the third body was calculated for each of the systems, and we discuss here their prospective detectability. The light curves of HD 24105, GH Mon, DK Her, V1134 Her, KIC 6187893, V1928 Aql, and V2486 Cyg were analyzed using the PHOEBE program, resulting in physical parameters of the components. Significant fractions of the third light were detected during the light-curve analysis, supporting our hypothesis of the triple-star nature of all these systems. The majority of these systems (nine out of 14) were already known as visual doubles. Our study shifts them to possible quadruples, what makes them even more interesting.

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