Among the six atoms of N-containing molecules with the formula of CH_3_NO, only formamide (H_2_NCHO), the most stable structural isomer, has been detected in the interstellar medium (ISM). The formaldoxime isomer may be formed, for example, by the reaction of formaldehyde (H_2_CO) or methanimine (H_2_CNH) and hydroxylamine (H_2_NOH), which are all detected in the ISM. The lack of high accuracy millimeter- and submillimeter-wave measurements hinders the astronomical search for formaldoxime. The aim of this work is to provide the direct laboratory measurement of the millimeter- and submillimeter-wave spectrum of trans-formaldoxime. Formaldoxime was synthesized and its rotational spectrum was recorded at room temperature in a glass flow cell using the millimeter- and submillimeter-wave spectrometer in Lille. The SPFIT program in the CALPGM suite was used to fit the spectrum. Rotational lines of trans-formaldoxime from both the ground state and v_12_=1 vibrational excited states have been measured and assigned from 150 to 660GHz. Spectroscopic constants were derived to the tenth order using both Watson's A and S reduction Hamiltonian.