We use X-ray active galactic nuclei (AGN) observed by the Chandra X-ray Observatory within the 9.3deg^2^ Bootes field of the NDWFS to study whether there is a correlation between X-ray luminosity (LX) and star formation rate (SFR) of the host galaxy, at 0.5<z<2.0, with respect to the position of the galaxy to the main sequence (SFRnorm). About half of the sources in the X-ray sample have spectroscopic redshifts. We also construct a reference galaxy catalogue. For both datasets we use photometric data from the optical to the far-infrared compiled by the HELP project, and apply spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting, using the X-CIGALE code. We exclude quiescent sources from both the X-ray and the reference samples. We also account for the mass completeness of our dataset, in different redshifts bins. Our analysis highlights the importance of studying the SFR-LX relation in a uniform manner, taking into account systematics and selection effects. Our results suggest, in less massive galaxies (log[M*(M_{sun}_)]~11), that an AGN enhances the SFR of the host galaxy by 50% compared to non-AGN systems. A flat relation is observed for the most massive galaxies. The SFRnorm does not evolve with redshift. The results, although tentative, are consistent with a scenario where, in less massive systems, both AGN and star formation are fed by cold gas supplied by a merger event. In more massive galaxies the flat relation could be explained by a different supermasssive black hole (SMBH) fuelling mechanism that is decoupled from the star formation of the host galaxy (e.g. hot diffuse gas). Finally, we compare the host galaxy properties of X-ray absorbed and unabsorbed sources. Our results show no difference, which suggests that X-ray absorption is not linked with the properties of the galaxy.