We publicly release the spectroscopic and photometric redshift catalog of the sources detected with Chandra in the field of the z=6.3 quasar SDSS J1030+0525. This is currently the fifth deepest X-ray field, and reaches a 0.5-2keV flux limit f_0.5-2_=6x10^-17^erg/s/cm^2^. By using two independent methods, we measure a photometric redshift for 243 objects, while 123 (51%) sources also have a spectroscopic redshift, 110 of which coming from an INAF-Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) Strategic Program. We use the spectroscopic redshifts to determine the quality of the photometric ones, and find it in agreement with that of other X-ray surveys which used a similar number of photometric data-points. In particular, we measure a sample normalized median absolute deviation sigma_NMAD_=1.48xmedia(||z_phot_-z_spec_||/(1+z_spec_)=0.065. We use these new spectroscopic and photometric redshifts to study the properties of the Chandra J1030 field. We observe several peaks in our spectroscopic redshift distribution between z=0.15 and z=1.5, and find that the sources in each peak are often distributed across the whole Chandra field of view. This evidence confirms that X-ray selected AGN can efficiently track large-scale structures over physical scales of several Mpc. Finally, we computed the Chandra J1030 z>3 number counts: while the spectroscopic completeness at high-redshift of our sample is limited, our results point towards a potential source excess at z>=4, which we plan to either confirm or reject in the near future with dedicated spectroscopic campaigns.