Following our recent work on Type II supernovae (SNe), we present a set of 1D nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium radiative transfer calculations for nebular-phase Type Ibc SNe starting from state-of-the-art explosion models with detailed nucleosynthesis. Our grid of progenitor models is derived from He stars that were subsequently evolved under the influence of wind mass loss. These He stars, which most likely form through binary mass exchange, synthesize less oxygen than their single-star counterparts with the same zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) mass. This reduction is greater in He-star models evolved with an enhanced mass loss rate. We obtain a wide range of spectral properties at 200 d. In models from He stars with an initial mass >6M_{sun}_ the [OI] {lambda}{lambda}6300, 6364 is of comparable or greater strength than [CaII] {lambda}{lambda}7291, 7323 - the strength of [OI] {lambda}{lambda}6300, 6364 increases with He-star initial mass. In contrast, models from lower mass He stars exhibit a weak [OI] {lambda}{lambda}6300, 6364, strong [CaII] {lambda}{lambda}7291, 7323, but also strong NII lines and FeII emission below 5500{AA}. The ejecta density, modulated by the ejecta mass, the explosion energy, and clumping, has a critical impact on the gas ionization, line cooling, and the spectral properties. FeII dominates the emission below 5500{AA} and is stronger at earlier nebular epochs. It ebbs as the SN ages, while the fractional flux in [OI] {lambda}{lambda}6300, 6364 and [CaII] {lambda}{lambda}7291, 7323 increases, with a similar rate, as the ejecta recombine. Although the results depend on the adopted wind mass loss rate and pre-SN mass, we find that He-stars of 6-8M_{sun}_ initially (ZAMS mass of 23-28M_{sun}_) match adequately the properties of standard SNe Ibc. This finding agrees with the oset in progenitor masses inferred from the environments of SNe Ibc relative to SNe II. Our results for less massive He stars are more perplexing, since the predicted spectra are not seen in nature. They may be missed by current surveys or associated with Type Ibn SNe in which interaction dominates over decay power.