Using the coude spectrograph of the NAO 2m RCC telescope at the Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria, 11 spectra in the wavelength range from 4840 to 6760A of P Cygni were obtained during the years 1981, 1983 and 1985. By averaging these spectra we achieved a S/N-ratio of about 50. Here we present a spectral atlas with complete line identifications. Apart from the lines listed by de Groot (1969) many pure bright lines are identified. Most of them are lines of FeIII with high multiplet numbers and NII. Further emission lines are those of SiII multiplets 2, 4 and 5. A new feature is SII spectrum in absorption and emission. In addition to the forbidden lines discovered by Stahl et al. (1991, 1993) three new lines, [FeII19] {lambda}5159, [FeII18] {lambda}5273 and [FeII34] {lambda}5477 are identified. The presence of some [TiII9] lines as well as the red lines of [NII1] is considered as quite probable.