55 equatorial geocentric coordinates of Pluto from the photographic observations for 1991-1994 are presented in the table. The observations were carried out by Latvian astronomers using the 80/120/240 cm Schmidt telescope at Baldone near Riga. 34 plates were measured and the positions of Pluto were reduced by using the 12-21 reference stars from catalogue of southern stars FOCAT-S, created at Pulkovo. The mean reduction errors vary from 0.23" to 0.34" for both coordinates. The obtained Pluto positions were compared with the ephemeris JPL DE200 (the residuals (O-C) were calculated). The increase of the average annual (O-C) residuals in RA, already noticed in previous works by the Pulkovo authors, is confirmed. From observations, represented in 1994 the (O-C) residuals with respect to DE200 have reached in RA +2.32+/-0.07" and in Dec. -0.74+/-0.07". More detailed information on obtaining the Pluto positions is given in Ryl'kov (1993) and Ryl'kov (1993).