Spectroscopic observations for the full sample of H{alpha} emission-line galaxy candidates (ELGs) from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid objective-prism survey Lists 1 and 2 have been obtained in order to investigate fully the properties of the survey constituents as well as the selection characteristics and completeness limits of the survey itself. The spectroscopic data include redshifts, line fluxes, equivalent widths, emission-line ratios, optical reddening estimates and synthesized color indexes. We find that 74% of the objects in this sample do exhibit emission lines. We compare our observational data with parameters given in the published survey lists in order to assess the usefulness of the latter. The different emission-line galaxies have been classified according to their spectra in several groups. Gray-scale images of the CCD spectra near the main emission lines, spatial profiles at the continuum and the line for [OIII]{lambda}5007 and H{alpha} lines, as well as plots of the coadded spectra of selected galaxies are presented, and a number of peculiar objects are described.