For the search of Herbig Ae/Be objects in the extremely young open cluster NGC 6611 we have selected a sample of 52 pre-main sequence candidates, discovered by Walker (1961ApJ...133..438W), Sagar & Joshi (1979Ap&SS..66....3S), Chini & Wargau (1990A&A...227..213C) and The et al. (1990A&AS...82..319T). We continue the approach of the last paper by studying each star individually with new and unpublished Walraven WULBV, Johnson/Cousins UBV(RI)_C_ and Johnson JHKLM photometric data as well as low resolution spectroscopy. For a description of the Walraven, UBVRI, IJHKLMN and RI Cousins photometric systems, see e.g. <GCPD/11>, <GCPD/08>, <GCPD/09> and <GCPD/54>