Table 3 lists the final photometric data of our observations. The UBVRI observations were done with the 1.54m Danish telescope at ESO on October 3rd and 4th, 1992. The CCD was ESO#28, a TEK 1024x1024 with a pixel size of 24mue corresponding to 0.377" per pixel. The total field of view is 6.4'x6.4'. A standard reduction was done with MIDAS and IRAF, the photometry was performed with DAOPHOT within IRAF. The images of Oct 4th have been calibrated using the calibration field around PG 0231+051 (Landolt 1992, Cat. <II/183>). The images of Oct 3rd have then been adopted to the system of Oct 4th. The final Table 3 lists 4613 stars with V and B-V information. In addition U-B is available for 1159 of these stars, V-R for 3519 and V-I for 2854 stars. Table 4 gives those stars from our field of view which are present in the MACS (Magellanic Catalogue of Stars; Tucholke et al. 1996, Cat. <I/221>). The table contains the MACS Id., our x and y position and our UBV photometry, and right ascension and declination from the MACS. These stars may serve to calculate an exact position for every star from Table 3 or to define a coordinate grid for comparison with other observations, such as radio or X-ray data.