The distance and formation history of the very young open cluster NGC 6530 were investigated by studying a total of 132 probable member stars of this open cluster. It was concluded that the distance to NGC 6530 is 1.8+/-0.2kpc, and its interstellar reddening E(B-V) is 0.30. Furthermore, we conclude that the extinction law of the intracluster material is normal (i.e. R_V=3.1), but anomalous extinction laws were found for several more embedded stars in the cluster. Of the 132 stars included in this study, 11 are suspected to be variable, five show Halpha in emission and nine show an infrared excess. Among the member stars of NGC 6530, three were found to be part of the Herbig Ae/Be stellar class, whereas two others are possible members of this stellar group as well. Also, one cluster member is probably a new massive post-AGB star, whereas the same could possibly apply to another member star. Finally, from the distribution of post- and pre-main sequence stars in the cluster's HR-diagram, it was concluded that the process of star formation in NGC 6530 must have started a few times 10^7 years ago and, for the less massive stars, is probably still going on today.