We present two catalogues of galaxies in the direction of the rich cluster ABCG 85. The first one includes 4232 galaxies located in a region +/-1{deg} from the cluster centre. It has been obtained from a list of more than 25000 galaxy candidates detected by scanning a Schmidt photographic plate taken in the B_J_ band. Positions are very accurate in this catalogue but magnitudes are not. This led us to perform CCD imaging observations in the V and R bands to calibrate these photographic magnitudes. A second catalogue (805 galaxies) gives a list of galaxies with CCD magnitudes in the V and R bands for a much smaller region in the centre of the cluster. These two catalogues will be combined with a redshift catalogue of 509 galaxies by Durret et al. (1997, subm.) to investigate the cluster properties at optical wavelengths Durret et al. (1997, subm.), as a complement to our previous X-ray studies (Pislar et al., 1997A&A...322...53P; Lima-Neto et al., 1997A&A...327...81L).