Table 2 lists the HR and HD numbers, the run in which the observations were obtained (sometimes several observations per run and/or on several runs, a, Delta a absolute and expressed in units of the average standard deviation of normal stars from the normality line, b-y and its dereddened quantity (b-y)_0, m_1, the spectral types from the BS Catalogue and the Michigan spectral survey (where available), then a column which indicates whether the object was used for the construction of the normality line (N) or entered the group of double stars (D), and finally the peculiarity group to which the star belongs (Preston's CP1-4, {lambda} Boo, {delta} Del, emission line objects E, supergiants SG and a Barium star Ba). For a description of the {DELTA}a photometric system, see e.g. <GCPD/75>