In Table 1 we present the bolometric and monochromatic limb-darkening coefficients for 196 different combinations of the parameters: T_eff (illuminated model's effective temperature), F_rel (relative incident flux, defined in Sect. 2.1), nu (the cosine of the incidence angle relative to the atmosphere normal), T_h (the effective temperature of the illuminating flux). We present coefficients for the linear, quadratic, cubic, logarithmic, and square root laws, together with the quality factor Q (see Sect. 2.2) of the fitting. In Table 2 we present the passband-specific limb-darkening coefficients. We present the coefficients for the Stroemgren uvby filters and for the Johnson-Morgan UBVRI filters. B2 and B3 are the response function of the B filter with and without the earth's atmosphere transmission function, respectively (see Buser R. 1998A&A....62..411B) In Table 3 we give the polynomial coefficients (Eqs. 8-11) for the Stroemgren uvby filters and for the Johnson-Morgan UBVRI filters and the five limb-darkening laws analysed.