We present a new compilation of Wolf-Rayet (WR) galaxies and extra-galactic HII regions showing broad He II {lambda}4686 emission drawn from the literature. Relevant information on the presence of other broad emission lines (N III {lambda}4640, C IV {lambda}5808 and other) from WR stars of WN and WC subtypes, and other existing broad nebular lines is provided. In total we include 139 known WR galaxies. Among these, 57 objects show both broad He II {lambda}4686 and C IV {lambda}5808 features. In addition to the broad (stellar) He II {lambda}4686 emission, a nebular He II component is well established (suspected) in 44 (54) objects. We find 19 extra-galactic HII regions without WR detections showing nebular He II {lambda}4686 emission. The present sample can be used for a variety of studies on massive stars, interactions of massive stars with the ISM, stellar populations, starburst galaxies etc. The data is accessible electronically and will be updated periodically