This paper presents preliminary lists of potentially interesting point-like sources extracted from multicolour data obtained for a 1.7 square degree region near the South Galactic Pole. The region has been covered by the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) in B, V and I and offers a unique combination of area and depth. These lists, containing a total of 330 objects nearly all brighter than I~21.5, over 1. 27 square degrees (after removing some bad regions), are by-products of the process of verification and quality control of the object catalogs being produced. Among the colour selected targets are candidate very low mass stars/brown dwarfs (54), white-dwarfs (32), and quasars (244). In addition, a probable fast moving asteroid was identified. The objects presented here are natural candidates for follow-up spectroscopic observations and illustrate the usefulness of the EIS data for a broad range of science and for providing possible samples for the first year of the VLT.