A set of eight Bok Globules CB3, CB25, CB39, CB52, CB54, CB58, CB62 and CB246 were observed polarimetrically in white light, using our Imaging Polarimater (IMPOL), from the 1.2m IR telescope at Mount Abu, India. The observations were carried out on different nights during the period December 1997 and April 1998. The CCD images obtained from the instrument (IMPOL) were analyzed, to produce polarization map of the Bok Globules. The stars in the field, which are mostly background to the cloud show typically 2% linear polarization. Clouds which are less dynamic (having ^12^CO line widths {Delta}V<2.5km/s) in general show slightly better alignment of polarization vectors with the projected direction of galactic plane. On the other hand, the more dynamic group of clouds has polarization vectors more scattered and poorly aligned with the projected direction of the galactic plane. However one of the clouds observed, CB58, does not follow this trend very well.