Table 3. Atmospheric parameters, space velocities, distances, masses and ages of the program stars. Table 4. Atomic line data including wavelength, excitation energy of the lower level, the logarithm of the oscillator strength (the experimental or theoretical value, the corrected value and the differential value from standard stars) and the adopted enhancement factor of the Unsold approximation to the van der Waals damping constant. The last column gives the equivalent width in the spectrum of HD 142373 representing a typical metallicity of the sample of stars. Uncertain EWs marked by (:) and strong lines with EW>100m{AA} are not used in the abundance determination for this star. Table 5. Abundance ratios for the program stars. The oxygen abundance is derived from the 7774{AA} triplet but scaled to results from the forbidden [OI] line at 6300{AA}.