Computer simulation techniques have been used to calculate the Stark broadening profiles of the hydrogen dipolar Lyman-{alpha} transition and of two-photon absorption, dispersion and polarization profiles in the 1S->2S transition. The calculations have considered electron densities in the range between 4.64*10^19^(m^-3^) and 1*10^23^(m^-3^), and temperatures in the range between 2000 and 100000K. The fine structure of level n=2 has been taken into account in the calculations. Four different sets of tables are given. The two first sets are the tables of the autocorrelation function for the dipolar moment of the emitter and for the operator that gives the transition amplitude for a two-photon absorption between the 1S and the 2S levels. This tables have the names rXXnYYYY.c1p and rXXnYYYY.c2p. The .c1p and .c2p extensions stands for 1 photon dipolar moment and for two-photon absorption transition amplitude. XX is 100*{rho}, {rho} being the quotient between the mean distance between particles and the Debye radius for the conditions of the plasma for which the profiles where calculated. YYYY is 100*Log(Ne), Ne being the electron density (m^-3^) of the plasma considered. The last two sets of tables correspond to the 1 photon Lyman-{alpha} profiles (rXXnYYYY.d1p) and to two-photon polarization profiles (rXXnYYYY.p2p). In each file the results obtained considering perturbers of different reduced masses ({mu}) are tabulated in different columns. The caption of each file contains the conditions of electron density and plasma temperature for which the calculation was made.