We present a CCD photometric survey of the central one-half degree of the old open cluster, M67, in U, B, V, and I colors to magnitude V=20. Extensive comparison of our photometry with other published datasets shows excellent agreement, indicating that CCD photometry is capable of producing a uniform set of measurements consistent with the photometric system defined primarily by the Landolt standard sequence. The color-magnitude diagram of the cluster shows a well-defined main sequence extending at least to the limit of the photometry at M(V)=10.55 and a substantial binary sequence. At least 38 percent of cluster stars are binaries. The observations were performed on 3 nights on 15-18 February 1990 with the 1.09m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory with a Tektronix 512^2^ CCD camera; a standard KPNO UBVRI filter set was used, with BVR filters being the Harris et, and I the "nearly Mould" filter.