We study the optical properties of a large sample of galaxies in low-density regions of the nearby universe. We make a 5 h^-1^ Mpc smoothed map of the galaxy density throughout the Center for Astrophysics Redshift Survey (CfA2) to identify galaxies within three prominent nearby "voids" with diameter {>=} 30 h^-1^ Mpc. We augment the CfA2 void galaxy sample with fainter galaxies found in the same regions from the more recent and deeper Century and Redshift surveys. We obtain B and R CCD images and high signal-to-noise long-slit spectra for the resulting sample of 149 void galaxies, as well as for an additional 131 galaxies on the periphery of these voids. Here we describe the photometry for the sample, including B isophotal magnitudes and B-R colors.