Bright-rimmed clouds (BRCs) found in H II regions are probably sites of triggered star formation due to compression by ionization/shock fronts. Many BRCs harbor IRAS point sources of low dust temperature. They also frequently contain a small cluster of near-IR stars that is elongated along the axis of the BRC. Here we present the results of our H{alpha} grism spectroscopy and narrowband imaging observations of BRCs in search of candidate premain-sequence stars of the T Tauri, Herbig Ae/Be and related types, and Herbig-Haro (HH) objects. We have detected a large number (460) of H{alpha} emission stars down to a limiting magnitude of about R=20 in and around all but two of the 28 BRCs observed. The present study has, for the first time, reached down nearly to the faintest classical T Tauri star population in OB associations. A total of 12 new HH objects have been found.