The Globular Cluster NGC 3201 was monitored for the existence of variable stars with 16.5<V<20 and 0.2days<period<5days. The files v*.dat contain time-series photometry data in V and I for the 14 variables detected in the field of NGC 3201. Only V6 (a blue straggler contact binary) is a member of the cluster. Due to its low-latitude position, interstellar extinction is present across the field of the cluster. The file phot.dat contains VI photometry data on the monitored stars. These data are NOT corrected for extinction. The variables V7, V8, and V9 were discovered during a follow-up observing run with a different telescope and therefore do not lie in the field covered by phot.dat. Variables V1-V9 are contact system eclipsing binaries, V10 is an RR Lyrae, V11 a semi-detached Algol type binary, V12 a detached binary system, and V13 and V14 are unclassified variable systems.