We present point-source catalogs for the ~2Ms exposure of the Chandra Deep Field North, currently the deepest X-ray observation of the universe in the 0.5-8.0keV band. Five hundred and three (503) X-ray sources are detected over an ~448arcmin^2^ area in up to seven X-ray bands. Twenty (20) of these X-ray sources lie in the central 5.3 arcmin^2^ Hubble Deep Field North (13600^+3800^_-3000_sources/deg^2^). The on-axis sensitivity limits are 2.5x10^-17^ergs/cm^2^/s (0.5-2.0keV) and 1.4x10^-16^ergs/cm^2^/s (2-8keV). Source positions are determined using matched-filter and centroiding techniques; the median positional uncertainty is ~0.3". To allow consistent comparisons, the point-source catalogs for the 1Ms Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S; see Cat. J/ApJS/139/369) have also been produced. Three hundred and twenty-six (326) X-ray sources are included in the main Chandra South catalog, and an additional 42 optically bright X-ray sources are included in a lower significance Chandra catalog. We find good agreement with the photometry of the previously published CDF-S catalogs; however, we provide significantly improved positional accuracy.