We report the results of an extensive spectroscopic survey of galaxies in the roughly 160 arcmin^2^ ACS-GOODS region surrounding the Hubble Deep Field North (HDF-N). We have identified 892 galaxies or stars with z<24, R<24.5, or B<25 in the region. The spectra were obtained with either the DEIMOS or LRIS spectrographs on the Keck 10m telescopes. The results are compared with photometric redshift estimates and with redshifts from the literature, as well as with the redshifts of a parallel effort led by a group at Keck. Our sample, when combined with the literature data, provides identifications for 1324 sources. We use our results to determine the redshift distributions with magnitude, to analyze the rest-frame color distributions with redshift and spectral type, and to investigate the dependence of the X-ray galaxy properties on the local galaxy density in the redshift interval z=0-1.5. We find the rather surprising result that the galaxy X-ray properties are not strongly dependent on the local galaxy density for galaxies in the same luminosity range.